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Featured Product: All-In-One Solar System 40% Discount

All-In-One Solar System​ - Home Solution

Featured Product

The All-in-One solar system, featuring a 6kVA inverter, 10kWh battery storage and 3.3kWp Solar panels, offers seamless power supply with the added benefit of remote monitoring, ensuring our client can manage their energy use with ease.

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specialized solar energy packages - All in one new price

At Plexus, we know that no one package fits all. However, as one of Kenya’s top solar energy company, we know what works best and have created specialized solar energy packages that can kickstart your transition to solar.
Check them out and make an order.

Sunshine Starter

Sunshine Starter

Supported Devices: Compact refrigerator, lighting, television, Wi-Fi, Mobile Charging.

Power Essential

Ecopower Essentials 1 ​

Devices Powered: Refrigerator, Television, Lighting, Wi-Fi, Mobile Charging

Green Energy

Green Energy

Devices Powered: Refrigerator, Television, Lighting, Wi-Fi, Mobile Charging

Green Energy Pro

Supported Devices: LED lighting, mobile charging, TV, Refrigerator, kettle, Wi-Fi, Mobile Charging, Microwave.

Solar Lux

Devices Powered: LED lighting, mobile charging, Tv, Rerfidgerator, Kettle, Microwave, Wi-Fi, Mobile Charging

Solar Lux Supreme 2

Devices Powered: Refrigerator, Television, LED Lighting, Wi-Fi, Kettle, Microwave, Mobile Charging

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