Solar Panels – Is your business looking to go solar but worried about the lack of sunshine?
Don’t fret – solar panels can still work even when the sun isn’t shining bright.
With the right equipment and setup, you can maximize solar energy production rain or shine.
Going solar is one of the best ways for companies to cut long-term costs and reduce environmental impact.
The sun isn’t sufficient to meet your energy needs, so companies need a better option to address their energy issues. This is where Solar Energy comes in.
Thanks to the latest panel and inverter technology, along with smart design choices, companies can achieve energy efficiency and financial savings whatever the weather.
Keep reading to find out how solar panels can power through cloudy days.
We’ll also explore what you need to get the most out of your system year-round.
Let’s dive in!
Even when the sun isn’t shining, your solar panels can still generate power. Here’s how they work on cloudy and overcast days:
Solar panels absorb both direct sunlight and diffused light that passes through clouds and the atmosphere.
While less intense than direct light, diffused light still contains solar energy that panels can convert to electricity.
Solar panels are made of semiconductors, like silicon, that absorb solar energy across a range of wavelengths.
The panels don’t require clear skies or direct beams of light to function. As long as there is ambient light, the panels can generate some power.
Modern solar panels typically have higher efficiencies, often 15-20% or more.
As a result, they can make the most of the available light that does reach them. Every bit of light is converted to energy, even on cloudy days.
Solar panel systems are typically oversized to account for less-than-ideal conditions.
By installing more panels than needed, you ensure maximum energy production even when light is limited. The excess power generated on sunny days is sent to the grid.
Newer solar technologies like bifacial panels and trackers can increase energy yields by up to 30% compared to fixed systems.
These advances help solar panels produce power even in challenging weather.
While solar panels may generate less electricity on cloudy or rainy days compared to bright, sunny ones, they can still provide power and reduce your dependence on the grid.
With high-efficiency panels and smart system design, you can feel confident going solar, no matter the forecast.
So you’ve invested in solar panels for your business to reduce energy costs and do your part for the planet.
That’s great, but what happens when the sun isn’t shining?
Cloudy weather and solar panels can still work together, you just need to understand the impact and make a plan.
Cloud cover reduces the amount of direct sunlight reaching your panels, which lowers their energy production.
The more clouds, the bigger the hit to your solar power output. Total cloud cover can decrease production by 50-100% depending on the panel type and sky conditions.
The good news is solar panels can still generate power even on cloudy days thanks to diffused sunlight.
Modern, high-efficiency panels, in particular, perform better in low-light and indirect-light conditions. They may produce 10-25% of their maximum output even with full cloud cover.
Energy storage solutions like batteries allow the storage of excess solar power generated on sunny days to use when your panels’ output is limited.
Batteries can provide backup power for hours or days depending on their capacity.
If outages are a concern, consider hybrid systems that combine solar panels with another energy source like natural gas or wind power as a fail-safe.
That way you reap the benefits of solar but have an alternative when the sun isn’t shining.
Track your solar panel energy production to see how different weather conditions impact your system. Use that data to determine if you need additional panels, batteries, or a hybrid setup to offset losses from lack of sunlight.
The better you understand the performance of your solar panels, the better equipped you’ll be able to maximize their output regardless of the forecast.
Here are several tips to help you make informed choices when choosing solar panels for low-light conditions:
Monocrystalline or polycrystalline solar panels are ideal for places with lots of cloud cover and limited sunlight.
These solar panels are more efficient in diffused, indirect light compared to thin film panels.
Monocrystalline panels, made of a single silicon crystal, are space-efficient but tend to be more expensive.
On the other hand, Polycrystalline panels, made of multiple silicon crystals, are a more affordable choice and work nearly as well in low light.
Either of these panel types will maximize the energy your system can produce even when the sun isn’t fully shining.
The wattage rating of the solar panels you choose directly impacts how much power they can generate.
For cloudy areas, select panels with a wattage of at least 250 to 300 watts or more.
Higher wattage panels, like 330 to 365 watts, will produce significantly more energy in limited sunlight.
While the upfront cost may be higher, the long-term energy savings and lower environmental impact make the investment worthwhile.
The angle at which your solar panels are installed plays an important role in their energy production.
For the best results in areas with lots of cloud cover, install panels at an angle between 30 to 45 degrees.
This angle allows the panels to capture the most diffused light in all directions.
As a rule of thumb, install panels at roughly your latitude minus 15 degrees for maximum low-light energy production.
For the ultimate in low-light energy optimization, install your solar panels on a tracking mount.
Single-axis or dual-axis tracking mounts move your panels to follow the sun throughout the day.
This keeps them pointed at the optimal angle to catch every bit of available light.
While tracking mounts are more expensive, they can increase energy production from solar panels by up to 25% or more compared to fixed mounts.
For areas with frequent cloud cover, the energy gains may well be worth the additional upfront cost.
Here are the factors that affect how much energy your panels produce on cloudy days:
More efficient solar panels, like monocrystalline panels, perform better in low and diffused light.
Their higher silicon purity and optimized cell design play a significant role in the absorption of the available light.
Polycrystalline and thin-film panels typically have lower efficiencies, so they may produce less energy on overcast days.
The angle and direction your solar panels face can impact their output.
Panels tilted at an angle closer to your latitude will receive more diffused light on cloudy days.
By making the panels face south (in the Northern Hemisphere) or north (in the Southern Hemisphere) you can enhance the amount of light captured.
The buildup of dirt, dust, snow, and other debris on your solar panels reduces the amount of light that reaches the cells.
On sunny days, the impact may be minimal, but in low-light conditions, it can significantly decrease energy production. Regularly cleaning your solar panels, especially before and after winter, can help maximize their output.
Solar panels operate efficiently within a certain temperature range.
On cold, cloudy days, panel temperatures drop, which can slightly improve performance.
However, very low temperatures may reduce power output. Most solar panels are rated to perform optimally between -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit or -40 to 85 degrees Celsius.
The inverter in your solar system, which converts the direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), has an impact on overall efficiency and performance.
More advanced inverters have higher efficiencies, especially in low-light conditions.
Upgrading to a more efficient inverter may increase the energy yield from your solar panels on cloudy days.
Optimizing these factors will make your solar panels generate maximum power even on low-sunny days. With the right equipment and setup, your panels can still produce energy and reduce your dependence on the grid.
Here are the frequently asked questions related to solar panels and cloudy weather.
1. Do solar panels work on cloudy days?
Yes, solar panels can still function on cloudy and overcast days, just not as efficiently. Solar panels work by absorbing photons from sunlight to generate electricity.
2. How much power do solar panels produce on cloudy days?
On partially cloudy days, solar panels may produce 60-80% of their power output on clear days.
On overcast days with heavy, dense clouds solar panels will generate significantly less, around 10-30% of maximum output.
3. Do solar panels work at night or in very dark conditions?
No, solar panels require at least some ambient light to function. You may need a battery to store excess energy generated during the day.
4. How can I maximize solar panel output on cloudy days?
A few tips to increase your solar panel productivity:
There you have it, with the right equipment and know-how, solar panels can still work for you even on cloudy or overcast days.
Technology has come a long way, and the energy-harvesting potential of solar is far greater than many people realize.
Don’t let a few clouds scare you away from tapping into this abundant renewable resource.
With maximum power point trackers, inverters, and high-efficiency panels, you’ll be generating plenty of energy and saving money while reducing your carbon footprint.
The future is bright, so go solar and stay powered up no matter what the weather brings!