Are Solar Panels Efficient Enough for Kenya’s Climate?

Kenya is endowed with a resource many countries can only dream of: abundant sunshine. But this begs the question—are solar panels truly efficient enough to harness this energy meaningfully? The short answer is yes, and the long answer will leave you wondering why you haven’t gone

Is Solar Power Expensive to Maintain? Find Out in 2025

The one question that always seems to be hanging over everyone’s head about solar power is, “Is it expensive to maintain?” It’s a valid concern, considering how much of an investment a solar system can make, and no one wants to be stuck with hidden upkeep

Why Solar Power Is More Reliable Than You Think in 2025

You’re not alone if you’ve ever hesitated about switching to solar power because of reliability concerns. The idea that solar panels only work in perfect sunshine or that they’ll fail during critical times still lingers in conversations. But in 2025, these myths will be as outdated

Debunking Common Myths About Solar Power in 2025

Solar power continues to grow in popularity around Kenya, but there’s still a fair deal of skepticism surrounding it. It’s amazing how many people still cling to the old misconceptions regarding solar energy in 2025, some of which were long outdated and others never stood the